#Killer in silence of the lambs movie
This nakedness and body dysphoria is a critical part of the movie and acts to highlight the troubled motive of Buffalo Bill. While a skull is clearly a symbol of death, upon further analysis you can see that the ‘skull’ is composed of naked humans. Upon first glance, it looks like the moth has a skull on its back. While the moth is a direct reference to the moth cocoons that are found in all of Buffalo Bill’s victims, its’ symbolism extends farther than this direct link. Speaking of which, the moth is probably the most important and interesting aspect of the movie poster. The red eyes could represent blood and death, where as the moth across the woman’s face could represent these women being silenced forever. Due to the fact that Buffalo Bill targets women in his murderous plots, all women are in danger. This woman on the poster can also be interpreted to represent the general idea of ‘women’ in this film. Hannibal Lecter throughout this insane investigation and loses part of herself. Perhaps she is not who we think she will be. Yet, the red eyes and moth could suggest that Clarice is either in danger or dangerous. From here, we can interpret this woman as The Silence of the Lambs protagonist, Clarice Starling, as we eagerly find her to be heroic and valiant. The white color could symbolize virtue and goodness, but is very sharply juxtaposed by the bright red eyes and the brightly colored mouth on her face. Her white face against the dark background is rather eerie, but also suggests a certain innocent charter attribute. One of the first things you notice about the poster is the woman’s face as it takes up a majority of the poster space. The Silence of the Lambs movie poster is one of the most iconic and highly recognized posters in the world. The trailer then proceeds to show more intense and epic clips from the movie and leaves us wondering will Clarice find Buffalo Bill? Will Lecter truly help Clarice? Or will Hannibal Lecter be able to manipulate and outwit our brave FBI agent? Movie Poster This is the original movie poster of the 1991 film. Yet, while Lecter may be the key to finding and arresting Buffalo Bill, he is also an insane and murderous psychotic killer.

#Killer in silence of the lambs serial
Then the narrator explains that in order for Clarice to catch Buffalo Bill she will have to “match wits” with serial killer Lecter who is imprisoned in jail.

As an audience, we can assume that whoever’s jail cell Clarice is walking towards might be helpful in finding Buffalo Bill.

The trailer then focuses back on Clarice walking towards a jail cell, while the narrator explains that Clarice is on Buffalo Bill’s trail. As she walks towards the jail cell, a narrator states that a “killer is on the loose” and then the trailer flashes to scenes that show newspaper headlines of killer, Buffalo Bill, abducting and murdering women. It then flashes to FBI rookie, Clarice Starling, who is headed to talk with someone in a jail cell. Hannibal Lecter’s, face popping up on the screen. The trailer opens with loud and scary music as well as serial killer, Dr. The Silence of the Lambs trailer is pretty creepy, but sets you up for the movie pretty well.